Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Dear Struggling Daughter-at-Home,

Oh, dear sister, how I can sympathize with you. There will be days when you want nothing more than to leave your convictions behind and join the rest of the world. These days will pass, just like the rest.

It's a waiting game, you see. You wait and wait until you are done with your studies. Then you wait some more until someone comes along (or doesn't) that asks to court you. Then you wait (and pray) to see if this gentleman is the one God has intended for you to marry. Then you wait some more until you are finally married.

Sisters, no matter where you are in your individual walk with God, you may feel impatient and rebellious. you must remember, you are a daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! There is no one like Him. Pour your heart out to Him. Do not stray from his side. You are His child, and you mustn't disobey His commands.

The short-term pleasure you may receive from becoming of the world is nothing compared to the everlasting joy you will obtain from staying true to God's word.
The Good Lord has put it on my heart to write this today, and I hope it blesses at least one of you young ladies in some way.


  1. Dearest Claire! Oh my, what a special sister in the Lord you are and I thank you Jesus for you! I know this will encourage the hearts of many a young lady, as it encouraged mine today! Bless you, dear:)
    Yes, the Enemy loves nothing more than making us feel down and discouraged in our blessed calling of being stay at home daughters, but we must resist Him and delight ourselves in the Lord who is good and who knows the plans He has for us!
    Hugs and much love to you today in the Lord Jesus!

    1. Thank you sweet Kelly-Anne!
      I hope you are doing well.
      God bless you,

  2. This is a great post Claire! It's encouraging. :)
    So, you asked me how to approach your parents about not going to college, since your views differ from theirs. First, I would suggest being calm and collected - have a Christ-like attitude! Tell them that you desire to honor them but you have your own convictions on the subject of going to college. Tell them how you feel and explain to them your reasoning. I don't know what your parents are like, but if they love you they will at least listen to you, even if they are angry at first.
    It might be tempting to argue (I know I would!), but your mature attitude might make them more likely to listen to you.
    I hope this helps! I'll be praying for you. <3


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